green tea to lose weight

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Green Tea Weight Loss Capsule

Green Tea Weight Loss Capsule: It should be noted though that there is no such thing as a miraculous weight loss capsule that can shed your fats in a snap. But herbs such as green tea in weight loss capsules have been known to promote weight loss in a variety of ways.

How Weight Loss Capsules Work

Some herbal weight loss capsules “trick” the brain into thinking that the stomach is full. This makes the weight loss capsule as an effective appetite suppressant and helps stave off hunger pangs.

Other herbs like green tea in weight loss capsules have thermogenic properties that help speed up the body’s metabolic rate. Thermogenic herb weight loss capsules, e.g. green tea weight loss capsules, are considered as stimulants because of their caffeine content. Caffeine in these weight loss capsules is responsible for increasing the rate of all bodily functions like heart rate, digestion, and respiration.

Still, other herbal weight loss capsules are chiefly diuretic. This means that the person taking this kind of weight loss capsule loses water from his body. Diuretic weight loss capsules can quickly rid the body of excess water but once halted, weight can return just as quickly.

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